Getting Started Developing Qt with VS Code Development Containers as Simple as Possible
January 5, 2022 ◦ 1 min ◦
Disclaimer — This is just my humble opinion and maybe there is more convenient way out there for this purpose.
For this purpose I already prepared a repo on GitHub1. The repo is a collection of some experimental works on AI, Image Processing, Qt Qml and embedded RPC. The procedure is is simple as follow.
- Any
Distribution (tested onDebian 11
) withWayland Display Manager
daemonVS Code
withRemote Container
extension. Or alternatively it can be usedRemote SSH
Run Just as Follow
- Clone the repos as follow
$ git clone
$ git submodule update --init
Just open the cloned folder in VS Code
- Reopen in the development container
- Build with
- Run any target built by
For more information including building development containers you can refer the links below
The repo used for demonstration1
Development Container Sources2
That’s all